Qualitative study on nursing processes to support blood glucose pattern management in Japan
Diabetes nursing, Pattern management, Qualitative synthesis method (KJ method), SMBG, EducationAbstract
A structured approach to self-monitoring of blood glucose and blood glucose pattern management (BGPM) is crucial in diabetes management. However, nursing processes for supporting BGPM among people with diabetes has not been studied. Here we described the process used by nurses certified in diabetes nursing in Japan to support BGPM among people with diabetes. Eleven nurses certified in diabetes nursing in Japan, with actual experience in supporting BGPM. We conducted semi-structured interviews with participants using an interview guide. The interview content was recorded on an IC recorder after obtaining consent. Qualitative analyses of data were conducted by qualitative synthesis. Based on the interviews with the 11 participants, 8 themes regarding the process of supporting BGPM were identified. These themes were as follows: ‘underlying supportive environment: a place where you can state what has been on your mind’, ‘sharing goals: exploring the person’s interest and finding clues’, ‘collaboration: finding patterns and devising measures’, ‘collaboration: considering effective and less burdensome blood glucose measurement and recording methods’, ‘leading to the next step: a long-range step-by-step perspective’, ‘support of active learning: utilising experiences and fostering independent thinking’, ‘mutual confidence: reward their efforts and trust their potential’ and ‘team approach: multilateral care’. Thereafter, the eight themes were schematised and the process of supporting BGPM was determined. Thus, we clarified the process of supporting BGPM and provided suggestions on how to utilise BGPM in ordinary nursing.
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