Partnership in transition: Experiences of adolescents with Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes, Adolescents, Transition, Partnership, Patient experience, Qualitative methodsAbstract
AimsDebut of Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is most common in childhood and adolescence. In late adolescence, transfer from pediatric to adult diabetes care is often associated with poor metabolic control. Knowledge is scarce on transition and on the experiences of adolescents concerning partnership in transition. The aim is to explore how adolescents with T1DM experience partnership in the transition.
MethodsTen adolescents with T1DM receiving adult diabetes care at the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at Aarhus University Hospital participated in semi-structured interviews.
ResultsThree major themes emerged from the analysis: (1) Transition unawareness. (2) A crucial change in relationship. (3) Partnership without shared decision-making.
ConclusionsFindings highlight the importance of a specific relationship with the health care providers and a planned and prepared transition. Unawareness concerning the transition process leads to a non-reflective transition and does not support the development of health literacy and partnership.
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