Lifestyles and health behaviours of young adults with type 1 diabetes


  • Maria de Lurdes Serrabulho
  • Margarida Gaspar de Matos
  • João Valente Nabais
  • João Filipe Raposo



young adults, type 1 diabetes, health behaviours, lifestyles, social support, treatment



Adherence to diabetes management and the quality of life of young adults with type 1 diabetes can be affected by the several changes occurring during emerging adulthood: social, occupational, familiar and emotional. This study evaluates the lifestyles, health behaviours, treatment adherence and social support of young adults with type 1 diabetes. A total of 278 young adults, aged 18–35, participated in the study, in which they were required to complete a questionnaire consisting of 63 questions. This was a quantitative research with descriptive and correlational analysis. The participants reported satisfaction with life as 6.6 ±1.7 (scale 0–10). They reported healthy eating habits and one third of them undertake recommended physical activity. Adherence to insulin therapy and glucose monitoring was satisfactory, however, the mean value for HbA1c was 8.7% ±1.6, with the highest HbA1c levels being related to less glucose monitoring and insulin administration. The best representations about diabetes were positively correlated with adherence to nutrition and insulin therapy. These young adults reported good social support and referred to the benefits of group activities with peers. Young adults showed satisfactory social support, health behaviours and satisfaction with life and a reasonable adherence to diabetes treatment, although with a less satisfactory metabolic control of diabetes. Further research with focus groups will help to better understand these discrepancies.


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How to Cite

de Lurdes Serrabulho, M., de Matos, M. G., Nabais, J. V., & Raposo, J. F. (2014). Lifestyles and health behaviours of young adults with type 1 diabetes. International Diabetes Nursing, 11(2), 49–52.



Research Article